They talk a little about role play so I decided to do one! But more entertaining than having one person play Joseph Smith and talk about abstract things the sunbeams don't necessarily understand. Don't get me wrong. They SHOULD be exposed to abstract principles of the gospel...they've gotta learn sometime! This is for your home to reiterate and encourage understanding.
For this FHE we are taking it to a whole nottha level!
SONG: "Reverently, Quietly"
What you need:
-White bedsheet
-Rope or cord to tie bedsheet around “Moroni”
-3D glasses (If you can't find any in time, try this: you can probably use regular packing tape with colored long as the 3D glasses are RED!!! To tell you the truth, they will only need to look through the red side.
-Some sort of rock you can place the plates and glasses under
-Printout code to put inside the golden plates FREE PRINTOUT HERE (Make sure to click on "view the PDF version")
-Homemade golden plates (you can use my print out, or cover a book with yellow paper...however you want/can)
-Bed or sofa...something for a "hill"
-A "rock"
-A "rock"
Joseph's Father (Joseph Sr.)...this can be played by the same person as Moroni with a little creative costume change
Joseph Smith and the Angel Moroni
Setting: Joseph is about to go to bed. The lights are off.
My name is Joseph Smith. It is dark outside and I am tired. Time to go to bed!
(Kneels down to pray)
Dear Heavenly Father, I know sometimes I do not obey you, or my parents, and I'm sorry. Please help me be nice to people and share with them. Please help me be nice to my brothers and sisters. And please help me to know that I am a Child of God. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Enter Moroni. Flashlight shines on Moroni, covered in a white bedsheet for his white robes; Joseph gasps.
Joseph, I am the angel Moroni and I am a messenger from God. I am here to let you know you are a Child of God. Heavenly Father wants you to do a BIG work for him!
Who, me?
Yes. There is a hill, and you are going to go up the hill and under a rock, you are going to find the golden plates! It's a book that has all the things written by the old prophets before and after Jesus came, inside. It is in a secret code! And you need the Urim and Thummim to read it! The Urim and Thummim can be made into glasses to help you see what Heavenly Father wants you to see! But you can't show them to anybody! You have to keep it sacred and secret!
Flashlight turns off and Moroni steps away.
Wow! Jesus loves me and I am going to do a BIG work for Him!
Moroni enters again and flashlight shines on him.
I am the angel Moroni and I am a messenger from God. I am here to let you know you are a Child of God. Heavenly Father wants you to do a BIG work for him! There is a hill, and you are going to go up the hill and under a rock, you are going to find the golden plates! It's a book that has all the things written by the old prophets before and after Jesus came, inside. It is in a secret code! And you need the Urim and Thummim to read it! The Urim and Thummim can be made into glasses to help you see what Heavenly Father wants you to see! But you can't show them to anybody! You have to keep it sacred and secret!
Flashlight turns off and Moroni steps away. Joseph lays down on his bed.
Wow, 2 times, the angel came. I really need to go to the hill and get that special book! I need to find the secret code!
Moroni enters again and flashlight shines on him. Joseph sits up in his bed.
I am the angel Moroni and I am a messenger from God. I am here to let you know you are a Child of God. Heavenly Father wants you to do a BIG work for him! There is a hill, and...
Wait wait wait! Didn't you already say this?!?!
Yes! But you need to hear it again! Because there will be BAD people will want to TAKE the special book away! You are going to go up the hill and under a rock, you are going to find the golden plates! And you will find the secret code with the special glasses!
Flashlight turns off and Moroni steps away. A rooster crows and the lights turn on.
It's morning already? I didn't even sleep! I'm soooo tired! But I better go help my dad work in the garden.
Joseph walks up to his father who is working in the garden and starts helping him.
I don't feel so good...I'm so tired! Joseph falls over.
Joseph Sr.:
Are you alright, son?
Dad, an angel came to me last night. And he told me I have to find the golden plates to help bring back the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Joseph Sr.:
Well, son, you better go an look for them!
Joseph gets up and walks away. He finds the "hill." He walks up to the rock.
This looks like the rock the angel told me about! Let me lift it up. Aaaaarrrrrrgh! Wow! Look at what is inside! The golden plates and the Urim and Thummim! I will do the BIG work for Heavenly Father and Jesus and find the code.
Will you help me?
Will you help me?
End scene.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it sounds like a TV show like Dora...I just read over it and realized. But it makes sense! That's what they know at this age. :)
Now, inside the plates, you should have put the printable code inside. Because my son doesn't even go to preschool, he doesn't know how to read squat. So I thought pictures would suffice. Have them look through their red lens. Let them tell you the picture they see and discuss its importance with the restored gospel.