THESE ARE FAST, LOW COST, AND LAST-MINUTE LESSONS FOR YOUR TODDLER you can put together in hopefully a creative way so your child(ren) can learn about the gospel!

I know I am not the first mom to think, Wow, my oldest child is a Sunbeam in primary, or I have a toddler, and our family really needs to start having actual FHE lessons! But what kinds of things can we do with their level of intelligence and attention span?

I've done research on Pinterest and Sugerdoodle and found many moms with their own blogs saying the same things. I have decided to reiterate and solidify what my son is learning in Primary Sharing Time because it will help him learn to go over what he learned the day before again. At this age, repetition is key, right?!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sin and Forgiveness

Turns out, this week, the Primary did what they were supposed to do last week! So for my little ones, I am going to talk a little more about the story of Jesus. Maybe if by then they've heard it enough times, they will remember it or start putting the pieces together in their minds!

Tonight we are making resurrection rolls and tomorrow I will read out of the Picture Scriptures the story of Jesus.

I kind of like one of these ideas on how to teach your toddler about sin and forgiveness:

The ideas on the page that I like are:

God's Sheep
Scribble Game

I also like this option:

Puppet Show on Forgiveness

  • A powerful way to teach preschoolers about forgiveness is by putting on a puppet show. Two puppets discuss how the first puppet is angry because a friend broke his toy. He is having trouble forgiving his friend. The other puppet tells him the story of Joseph from the Bible about how his brothers sold him into slavery. Joseph forgave and helped his brothers later on.

Read more: Preschool Lesson on Forgiveness |

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