THESE ARE FAST, LOW COST, AND LAST-MINUTE LESSONS FOR YOUR TODDLER you can put together in hopefully a creative way so your child(ren) can learn about the gospel!

I know I am not the first mom to think, Wow, my oldest child is a Sunbeam in primary, or I have a toddler, and our family really needs to start having actual FHE lessons! But what kinds of things can we do with their level of intelligence and attention span?

I've done research on Pinterest and Sugerdoodle and found many moms with their own blogs saying the same things. I have decided to reiterate and solidify what my son is learning in Primary Sharing Time because it will help him learn to go over what he learned the day before again. At this age, repetition is key, right?!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Because Jesus Christ was resurrected, I will be too

Sorry this post is late. We are moving soon so it's getting hectic around here! But I will try my best to keep up with FHE lessons for toddlers!

The Resurrection is a hard topic for toddlers to understand, and even with some great ideas I found online, I am still wondering if mine will understand much of the abstract concept...

The teacher was great this Sunday! She had little tombs and Jesus figures cut out of paper all ready for the kids to color. She told the story and they were able to match it with an interactive picture! She talked about how a beloved, fellow church member had passed away and asked how the children felt about it. Then she taught how the Sister who died would once again live because Christ rose from the dead so we all can too, when we die!

Here's the actual picture if you want to do it again with your child or if your child didn't get to do it, or like mine, who lost the Jesus figure!

SONG: Did Jesus Really Live Again?

So for tonight, I am going to tell the story again with the Gospel Art Book but if you don't have one, I'm sure you can find pictures online or maybe you have a Baby Bible book. Then I'm going to attempt the "glove lesson." For those of you who don't know what that is, go to

If it's too much, even just explaining how the bad men who didn't understand that Jesus was the Son of God killed Him but Jesus opened heaven for all of us when he rose from the dead and that He lives forever and so will we after we die...

I know a family who gets out their Resurrection Eggs during Easter and I think it's a neat idea. 

You can make your own Resurrection eggs by going to

Then for older children, or if you just want some fun in the kitchen, you can make Resurrection Cookies! 

On a somber note, the same dear Sister in our ward who passed away did this amazing thing for the children last year. She made Resurrection Rolls. 

The marshmallow represents Jesus' body, the cinnamon represents the spices they put on His body, the dough represents the linens they wrapped His body in, and the tomb is the oven. You can even put them in the oven the night before and right before the kids wake up, put them back in again so when you open the oven, they are there. When they open the roll, the marshmallow is gone! And that symbolizes that Christ rose from the dead! I like this post from someone else because it has pictures for you to follow in making the recipe:

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