THESE ARE FAST, LOW COST, AND LAST-MINUTE LESSONS FOR YOUR TODDLER you can put together in hopefully a creative way so your child(ren) can learn about the gospel!

I know I am not the first mom to think, Wow, my oldest child is a Sunbeam in primary, or I have a toddler, and our family really needs to start having actual FHE lessons! But what kinds of things can we do with their level of intelligence and attention span?

I've done research on Pinterest and Sugerdoodle and found many moms with their own blogs saying the same things. I have decided to reiterate and solidify what my son is learning in Primary Sharing Time because it will help him learn to go over what he learned the day before again. At this age, repetition is key, right?!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sin and Forgiveness

Turns out, this week, the Primary did what they were supposed to do last week! So for my little ones, I am going to talk a little more about the story of Jesus. Maybe if by then they've heard it enough times, they will remember it or start putting the pieces together in their minds!

Tonight we are making resurrection rolls and tomorrow I will read out of the Picture Scriptures the story of Jesus.

I kind of like one of these ideas on how to teach your toddler about sin and forgiveness:

The ideas on the page that I like are:

God's Sheep
Scribble Game

I also like this option:

Puppet Show on Forgiveness

  • A powerful way to teach preschoolers about forgiveness is by putting on a puppet show. Two puppets discuss how the first puppet is angry because a friend broke his toy. He is having trouble forgiving his friend. The other puppet tells him the story of Joseph from the Bible about how his brothers sold him into slavery. Joseph forgave and helped his brothers later on.

Read more: Preschool Lesson on Forgiveness |

Monday, March 25, 2013

Jesus Christ is My Savior

This Sunday, they actually made the Resurrection Rolls I mentioned last post! The kids had a lot of fun. So for today's FHE, I found a great idea taken from the Primary Manuel. But this lady has developed it into a matching game and later a ring toss.

Song: I Feel My Savior's Love

So the matching game has people who SAVE us everyday, like policemen, firemen, doctors, lifeguards, etc. and you match them to each situation. Two cards don't match. You ask who saves us from Death or Sin: Christ. Then there are some examples from the scriptures for your ring toss. Don't think I'll do the ring toss though. I can just tell the stories since my son is so small. :)

Find the entire lesson plan and printables at

Monday, March 18, 2013

Because Jesus Christ was resurrected, I will be too

Sorry this post is late. We are moving soon so it's getting hectic around here! But I will try my best to keep up with FHE lessons for toddlers!

The Resurrection is a hard topic for toddlers to understand, and even with some great ideas I found online, I am still wondering if mine will understand much of the abstract concept...

The teacher was great this Sunday! She had little tombs and Jesus figures cut out of paper all ready for the kids to color. She told the story and they were able to match it with an interactive picture! She talked about how a beloved, fellow church member had passed away and asked how the children felt about it. Then she taught how the Sister who died would once again live because Christ rose from the dead so we all can too, when we die!

Here's the actual picture if you want to do it again with your child or if your child didn't get to do it, or like mine, who lost the Jesus figure!

SONG: Did Jesus Really Live Again?

So for tonight, I am going to tell the story again with the Gospel Art Book but if you don't have one, I'm sure you can find pictures online or maybe you have a Baby Bible book. Then I'm going to attempt the "glove lesson." For those of you who don't know what that is, go to

If it's too much, even just explaining how the bad men who didn't understand that Jesus was the Son of God killed Him but Jesus opened heaven for all of us when he rose from the dead and that He lives forever and so will we after we die...

I know a family who gets out their Resurrection Eggs during Easter and I think it's a neat idea. 

You can make your own Resurrection eggs by going to

Then for older children, or if you just want some fun in the kitchen, you can make Resurrection Cookies! 

On a somber note, the same dear Sister in our ward who passed away did this amazing thing for the children last year. She made Resurrection Rolls. 

The marshmallow represents Jesus' body, the cinnamon represents the spices they put on His body, the dough represents the linens they wrapped His body in, and the tomb is the oven. You can even put them in the oven the night before and right before the kids wake up, put them back in again so when you open the oven, they are there. When they open the roll, the marshmallow is gone! And that symbolizes that Christ rose from the dead! I like this post from someone else because it has pictures for you to follow in making the recipe:

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I Can Be Clean Through Christ's Atonement

As I am learning to do this, and researching sources, I came across a great PDF file that you may choose to use for 2013 instead of coming to my blog every week! Though, and again, some of the lessons are for children that are older than 3 years. I just don't think my little son is going to get everything. We have to build up by starting with very basic stuff. So if you want to check it out, it is

Tomorrow's FHE lesson is going to come STRAIGHT from a blog called "Little LDS Ideas" and I just love this lesson because I think it is something my 3 year old can understand. He did REALLY well with last week's lesson, so we will build upon it by applying the atonement when we do things we shouldn't do.

She uses this idea for sharing time, but you can easily adapt it to your home setting with your family.

SONG: I Know When I am Baptized

'Clean Again' Object Lesson
This idea that you can use to begin your Sharing Time actually came from the 2011 Sharing Time Outline.
You will need something to use to get a child’s hands dirty {I used chocolate syrup when I did this}. You will also need a large bowl and towel to help with the mess.
Invite a child to come to the front of the room
Ask your helper to show all the children their clean hands. Then show the children the chocolate syrup, tell them that this represents sin. You could even make a cute label to put onto your chocolate syrup.
 Have your helper hold out their hands and squirt a little syrup onto their hands. Tell the children that the other day (child's name) lied to his/her parent's. Then a few days after that (child's name) cheated at school {add another glob of syrup}. 
Then ask the children if your helper's hands are clean anymore.
They should all say, NO.

Show the children the sentence with the missing words {from the outline}. Tell them that we need to figure out what this says so that (child’s name) can be clean again.
Have the children look under their chairs for the missing words and invite the 3 children up to the front once they have found the words.
Have them show the words to the rest of the Primary and read the words aloud. Then have everyone read the sentence aloud.
Have the children try to place the words in the correct spot.

Once the sentence is correct read it aloud to all the children.
‘Oh, so because of Christ’s atonement (child’s name) can repent and be made clean again, right?’
‘So, how does he repent?’

Have the children share their knowledge of repentance. Have a bottle of soap and some water and label it ‘Repentance’ and have the child wash his/her hands.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jesus' Example for Us

This week our children learned about the gospel taught through Jesus Christ. They read these scriptures: 3 Nephi 18:19 (about prayer), 3 Nephi 11:37 (about baptism), 16:15 (about preaching the gospel), and John 13:34 (about loving one another)

Song: I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus

Lesson: I have 4 pictures to go along with the scriptures. I'm going to cut them up into easy puzzles for us to assemble together. And then we can talk about each picture and how Jesus led by example and how He wants us to do those things too.

And then I will present some pictures that are the opposites (child with messy room/child cleaning room, child yelling/child talking nicely, child grabbing/child sharing) know, all the things my own 3 year old needs to work on! And we will sort them into 2 piles. The one Jesus wants us to do and the one Jesus doesn't want us to do.