THESE ARE FAST, LOW COST, AND LAST-MINUTE LESSONS FOR YOUR TODDLER you can put together in hopefully a creative way so your child(ren) can learn about the gospel!

I know I am not the first mom to think, Wow, my oldest child is a Sunbeam in primary, or I have a toddler, and our family really needs to start having actual FHE lessons! But what kinds of things can we do with their level of intelligence and attention span?

I've done research on Pinterest and Sugerdoodle and found many moms with their own blogs saying the same things. I have decided to reiterate and solidify what my son is learning in Primary Sharing Time because it will help him learn to go over what he learned the day before again. At this age, repetition is key, right?!

Monday, October 28, 2013

My Testimony is Strengthened When I Share the Gospel

SONG: I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ

There are a few teaching opportunities we can do with this topic.

1.) First, WHAT IS THE "GOSPEL?"
You can explain that the gospel is the teachings of Jesus Christ.

2.) And the teachings of Jesus Christ are so wonderful that we can't just keep it to ourselves! We want to share it!

3.) And when we share it, our testimonies are strengthened.

So for numbers 1 and 2, we can teach our children what are the MAIN points of the gospel and of a testimony when we share it. To keep it simple and visual, I would recommend the Testimony Glove. If you are like our family, we have gloves around the house for gardening and cleaning. I know you can also get some at Dollar Tree.

Here are the pictures so you don't have to go looking for them:

For number 3, have each child put on the glove and go up in front of the family and practice giving their testimony! As far as understanding your testimony is strengthened each time you share it, our Primary used a jar of water and put food coloring drops into it. The more food coloring drops used, the darker (or stronger) the color got. I believe she might have gotten this idea from

Because I have boys, they like to fight (hiya!) and say they are "so strong." So I was thinking of the cliche: have a piece of thin string and see how easy it is to break, but with each finger of the glove, add more string so it's harder to break. So the more you share your testimony, the stronger the string is and can't break so easily. You can also use Popsicle sticks or whatever you have on hand.

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