THESE ARE FAST, LOW COST, AND LAST-MINUTE LESSONS FOR YOUR TODDLER you can put together in hopefully a creative way so your child(ren) can learn about the gospel!

I know I am not the first mom to think, Wow, my oldest child is a Sunbeam in primary, or I have a toddler, and our family really needs to start having actual FHE lessons! But what kinds of things can we do with their level of intelligence and attention span?

I've done research on Pinterest and Sugerdoodle and found many moms with their own blogs saying the same things. I have decided to reiterate and solidify what my son is learning in Primary Sharing Time because it will help him learn to go over what he learned the day before again. At this age, repetition is key, right?!

Monday, September 23, 2013

When I Serve Others, I Serve God-Part 2

Yesterday was my husband's birthday and I had a rough time at church without him there, so I didn't see what the Primary did, but they are supposed to stretch this lesson out over last week and this week. It's also surprising how little I could find in researching ideas for toddlers on service, but I came across this one that I like!

Object Lesson:
Materials Needed
One large box filled with several heavy objects.


Have a volunteer try to lift the box. (Ensure the volunteer does not get hurt.) Ask: Is it easy or difficult to lift the box? Is it heavy? Ask for two other people to help the first person lift the box. Together the task will be much easier. 

Explain that the box and its contents are like the burdens we might experience in life. Discuss what some of these burdens might be. As members of the Church we have the responsibility to help each other. Offering service helps to lighten one another’s loads.

****Maybe see if there are any ideas or situations your child(ren) can remember from last week how they can help lift someone's burdens

(Beth Lefgren and Jennifer Jackson, Object Lessons Made Easy, [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2010], p. 85.)

Write a family letter to distant relatives, friends, and/or missionaries.

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