THESE ARE FAST, LOW COST, AND LAST-MINUTE LESSONS FOR YOUR TODDLER you can put together in hopefully a creative way so your child(ren) can learn about the gospel!

I know I am not the first mom to think, Wow, my oldest child is a Sunbeam in primary, or I have a toddler, and our family really needs to start having actual FHE lessons! But what kinds of things can we do with their level of intelligence and attention span?

I've done research on Pinterest and Sugerdoodle and found many moms with their own blogs saying the same things. I have decided to reiterate and solidify what my son is learning in Primary Sharing Time because it will help him learn to go over what he learned the day before again. At this age, repetition is key, right?!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Fall

Maybe sing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" to begin. After the prayer, tell the story of Adam and Eve. We have quite of few Baby Bible book hand-me-downs, so finding pictures to go with it will be easy tomorrow.

I think the lessons suggests that you draw 2 circles and explain one is the Spirit World and the other is Earth. We were in the Spirit World and when the fall happened, it was a good thing so we could come to Earth!

Then explain how by coming to Earth, we gained our physical bodies. The teacher had a little spinning wheel with different parts of your body. When the spinner landed on one of the parts, the child had to say what they could do!

I just traced around my Chutes and Ladders spinner, made the drawings, put a hole through the middle, and cut on the line between the hands and nose to then just slide it on over the game spinner.

Here is a list to prompt your little one if needed:

Hands-greet someone with a handshake, make food, draw and color, type on the computer, play board games, play a musical instrument, hug

Feet-stomp, walk, run, dance, jump

Knees-bend, (pretty much everything for feet, for if you tried any without your knees, you couldn't!), pray, crawl, swing, climb on the playground, sit

Mouth-talk, say nice things, tell when you are hungry

Eyes-see God's beautiful creations, read, look at art and pictures

Ears-hear, "magical sound of things," know what your friends and family are saying, music/songs

Brain (mind)-homework, interpret senses, remember the alphabet

Nose-smell flowers, cookies, stinky diapers!, perfume/cologne

Afterwards, maybe you can practice some of these. Like bring out some fresh cookies and smell them. Use your mouth to eat them. Use your knees to bend down and your feet to jump up. Shake hands, look at family pictures, etc.

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